That Face Loves Me 01/11/2018 2:20am

You sit.

I sit.

No matter where or what we get.

You say.

I listen.

I pay attention.

We talk.

I hear you, I understand but more and more I drift away from the conversation. You think I’m uninterested, but that’s far from true. I’m crazy about you and that’s never the case. I don’t reply because I’m studying your face. 

I’ve loved and lost and those lost have stained my brain with crying faces.

Those all are in the past and I’m nervous that nothing will ever last, so you go on and talk talk talk.

I’ll admire your face.

That face I see everyday right beside me. That face that motivates my every step. That face that pushed me out into the world and helped me discover just what kind of man I strive to be. That face that loves me. I want to memorize that face and cherish that face and make that face apart of my life forever. I’ll always have that wonderful face in my mind to remind me just why I’m alive. 

Talk talk talk. I hear you and I understand. I just needed some time to memorize your face.
